Health & Wellness Centre

Our Mission

Our mission at Abegweit First Nation Mi’kmaq Wellness Centre is to build a healthier First Nation community by improving the health and safety of the people we serve.

Our Vision

The vision of Abegweit First Nation Mi’kmaq Wellness Centre is to become a model organization for promotion and delivery of the highest standards of health care services in which the safety, cultural values, traditions, and beliefs of our communities are respected.

Our Approach

The individuals, families, and communities we serve at Abegweit First Nation Mi’kmaq Wellness Centre are diverse and complex. It is recognized that our communities’ needs are best met by teams of health care professionals working in collaboration with each other, individuals, and families.

It has been shown that teams collaborating together towards providing optimal client care have been associated with improved: client care, client outcomes, communications among health care professionals, access to health care services, and satisfaction among clients and health care professionals.


In the fulfillment of our mission and vision, the following values based on our cultural “Seven Sacred Grandfather Teachings” will guide all decisions and actions within the Abegweit First Nation Mi’kmaq Wellness Centre.

  • Respect – We believe in respecting the dignity and worth of all individuals, and families we serve
  • Truth – We believe in accepting responsibility and being accountable for our actions
  • Love – We believe that our attitudes and actions will reflect our care and compassion for the people we serve
  • Honesty – We believe in building trust through honesty, morally and ethically appropriate behavior, and open communication with the people we serve
  • Humility – We believe in remaining humble when providing care for the people we serve.
  • Courage – We believe in helping the people we serve to face change and fear with confidence and bravery
  • Wisdom – We believe in sharing our health promotion experiences thereby helping the people we serve in achieving optimal health, wellness and safety for ones’ self and family

Interdisciplinary Team

  • Registered Nurse
  • Licensed Practical Nurse
  • Registered Dietician
  • Native Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor
  • Community Health Representative

Clinical Team

  • Doctor
  • Registered Nurse
  • Licensed Practical Nurse
  • Registered Dietician

Collaborating on a team requires a great deal of work. To function as a good working team, members need to share a common mission and vision, communicate clearly, and understand roles and responsibilities of each team member.

We offer a variety of programs and services at Abegweit First Nation Mi’kmaq Wellness Centre (AFNMWC). Click on an item below to view details for that program or service.

Visiting Professional Clinics:

Weekly/Monthly clinics are held at the AFNMWC for various health professionals such as a Family Physician, Psychiatrist, and Diabetes Nurse Educator.

Blood Collection Clinic (Venipuncture):

A Blood Collection Clinic (venipuncture) is offered at the AFNMWC on Thursday mornings from 8am – 10:00 am.   You will need: the blood work requisition form provided to you by your physician and your provincial health card.

Diabetic Foot Care Clinic:

The AFNMWC offers a foot care clinic every six weeks.

Blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol monitoring:

Can be requested from the client.

First Aid/CPR Course:

Instruction is available to various programs and staff of the AFNMWC. Scheduled group training will be given at various times. Individual re-certification training sessions may be offered based on scheduling.

Sexual Health:

Information sessions on sexual health topics such as sexually transmitted diseases, sexuality issues, HIV/AIDS, birth control options etc. take place at AFNMWC. Private individual info sessions for individuals or groups are also available. At AFNMWC we also provide condoms free of charge.

Communicable Disease Prevention and Control:

The Community Health Nurse works within the community to reduce or, if possible, eliminate communicable disease. These are diseases that can be passed from one person to another. This includes surveillance, investigation, follow-up, prevention and outbreak management.


The Wellness Centre has registered nurses that are certified to provide immunizations to all ages.


The Wellness Centre has registered nurses that are certified to provide immunizations to all ages.

Home Visits:

We encourage requests by individuals for home visits for those who are new mothers, diabetics, shut-ins, physically challenged, hospital aftercare and/or chronic care patients.

Drinking Water Quality:

The water systems in our communities have been improved over the past few years, and it is checked weekly in each community for quality assurance.

Emergency Measures Organization:

In case of an emergency, the AFNMWC has created an Emergency Management Plan to be implemented when an emergency is declared within our community. This plan will empower individual community members to perform the appropriate tasks to ensure the safety of all community members.

Medical Transportation:

AFNMWC now has a medical vehicle for transportation to the nearest appropriate medical facility. However, it does provide clients the option of a private driver covered through Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB). The use of an ambulance for emergency purposes or travelling out of town due to a medical condition may be covered under the NIHB Medical Transportation Framework.

Coordination of Non- Insured Health Benefits and Medicare:

The Medical Administrative Assistant works closely with the First Nations & Inuit Health Branch Non-Insured Health Benefits staff in regards to applications for dental, vision, medical transportation, medical equipment, and for special authorization for medical approvals.

Well Women’s Clinics:

Every stage of a woman’s life from adolescence to mid-life and beyond is unique and valuable and every woman deserves safe and satisfying well woman care. The AFNMWC offers a Well Women’s Clinic twice yearly. Topics and services during these clinics include, but are not limited to: pap screening, self-breast exam education, birth control options, menopause etc.

Men’s Health Clinic:

Our Men’s Health Clinic is aimed at providing information on the health conditions and risks that are most common to men in order to promote optimal physical, emotional, and social well-being. An annual clinic will include various topics of interest such as Prostate Health, Testosterone, etc.

Enhanced Home and Community Care Program:

This program currently conducts home visits to assess and assist client’s needs. The goal is to promote the clients’ ability to live independently in their home. The Enhanced Home and Community Care Program will be providing client assessments, case management, home care nursing, personal care, home support and respite services. Service is for all community residents of any age.    This program includes, but is not limited to: weekly Elder drop-in, monthly Elder meal, monthly Elder Advisory Committee meeting, Meals on Wheels, and Lifeline assistance.

Mental Wellness and Addictions Program:

This program provides a safe, confidential, and compassionate environment for our community members. Our employees are available to help you with the difficulties you are experiencing without judgement, shame or stigma through the following services: individual counselling, collateral interviewing, group educational sessions, referrals, care facilitation team.

Cultural Services:

At AFNMWC we provide cultural services that include, but are not limited to: Mi’kmaq language classes, seven sacred teachings, seven hoops of inter-generational trauma, medicines, ceremonies, sweats, and regalia making, etc.

Maternal Child Health Program:

Supports the health and wellness of infants and children through the strong involvement of parents and family. This program includes, but is not limited to: Pre-natal/Post-natal classes, milk/food vouchers for pre-natal and breastfeeding mothers, car seat safety sessions, breastfeeding support, etc.

Child Health Clinics:

These clinics provide opportunities to get your baby weighed and ask questions about your baby’s general health or any questions you may have. This service is available anytime by stopping in or by contacting the Maternal Child Health Nurse.

Children’s Oral Health Initiative (COHI):

AFNMWC hosts a COHI clinic on a bi-annual basis. Activities that take place during a COHI clinic include fluoride treatments by the COHI Aide and dental screenings by the Dental Therapist.  Dental sealants and referrals for complex treatment are scheduled by a Dental Therapist as needed. The ultimate goal of COHI is to reduce, prevent, or remove oral health diseases through prevention, education, and oral health promotion (Health Canada, 2007).

Health Promotion Program:

The Health Promotion Program is coordinated by a Registered Dietitian whose focus is health promotion and injury/illness prevention which includes maternal health, infant health, child health, school health, adolescent health, adult health, and elder health. This program includes, but is not limited to: cooking classes, weight loss challenges, nutritional consultations, one-on-one counselling, community gardens, early years menu support, etc.

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative Program:

he overall goal of the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI) is to improve the health status of First Nations individuals, families and communities through actions aimed at reducing prevalence and incidence of diabetes and its risk factors.