Programs & Services


Fisheries & Natural Resources

Our Fisheries & Natural Resources Department partners with the Province of PEI and various federal departments in the areas of fisheries, forestry, stream enhancement, conservation, and Abegweit’s emergency measures organization (EMO). Abegweit’s EMO is leading the country in many areas and is continually innovating and developing new strategies to keep the entire community safe. Under its commercial fisheries, Abegweit owns a fleet of fishing vessels and proudly employs several community members that fish various species, including lobster, snow crab, rock crab, mackerel, tuna, and silverside. Our Fisheries & Natural Resources Department also oversee the Abegweit Conversation Society (see website here), Abegweit Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery (see website here), and Abegweit’s Collaborative Fisheries Management Agreement with DFO (see article here).

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