Who are the Prince Edward Island (PEI) M’kmaq?

The Mi’kmaq are Indigenous people that have lived in Mi’kma’ki (traditional Mi’kmaq territory in Eastern Canada that encompasses PEI) for at least 12,000 years. Mi’kmaq know PEI as ‘Epekwitk’, meaning “lying in the water,” and have a rich history in Epekwitk that continues to thrive today.

Where is Abegweit?

Abegweit consists of three reserves in Prince Edward Island, Canada: Morell 2, Rocky Point 3, and Scotchfort 4. In addition to its reserve land, Abegweit owns other parcels of land fee simple. Although Abegweit is responsible for on-reserve activities, it is also services members that reside in off-reserve locations throughout North America. Abegweit’s Band Government Office, and most of its businesses, are located on its largest reserve in Scotchfort, just 20km east of the provincial capital, Charlottetown.

When was Abegweit established?

The Mi’kmaq people of PEI have been in Prince Edward Island for over 12,000 years. However, as a Band Government, Abegweit was established in 1972 as the second First Nation Band Government in PEI (see Our Story).

What are Abegweit’s Demographics?

Abegweit has a young and fast-growing population. Our median age is 26 years old, and our population is growing at a compounded annual growth rate of 6.76%. As of 2023, our registered Band member population was 408, however, when accounting for all community members, our community population is estimated around 600.

Who is Abegweit’s Chief?

Abegweit’s Chief is Chief Roderick “Junior” Gould. Chief Gould commenced his third term in 2023. He also served as Chief from 2003 to 2007 and 2019 to 2023 (see Our Team).

What are the community’s priorities?

The community is driven to improve the standard of living for all its members through the provision of holistic, culturally sensitive, and effective community services (see Programs and Services). The community is also prioritizing economic development as means to bridge socio-economic and infrastructure gaps that exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians (see Developments & Initiatives).

What is the new building in Charlottetown?

The full governing body of Abegweit First Nation and Lennox Island First Nation make up the Epekwitk Assembly of Councils. This joint forum oversees and governs two organizations that act in the shared interest of both communities: L’nuey and the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island. The Epekwitk Assembly of Councils own the new building in downtown Charlottetown along the waterfront on Stan MacPherson Way that houses these two organizations.

Where Can I Learn More?

Abegweit is always hosting public events and cultural activities. To visit the community, check out our events and festivals page for upcoming activities (see Festivals and Events). Abegweit also conducts cultural and community information sessions for various organizations. To book a session, please contact info@abegweit.ca.

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